
Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors and Their Influence on M&A Activities — SRS Acquiom Barometer

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In our most recent SRS Acquiom Barometer survey, we surveyed deal professionals regarding the influence of environmental, social, and governance factors on M&A strategies. The research was conducted May 25–June 8, 2021, and explores the following questions:

  • 1. What core agenda item of the current U.S. administration is of greatest potential impact to your M&A activity?

2. How important to your current M&A strategy are environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors?

3. For your clients or your business strategy, which area of ESG do you believe will most impact your M&A strategy?

4. Which of the following, if any, are or could be drivers of ESG M&A policies in your organization or your client’s organization?

5. Are ESG factors impacting your M&A deal dynamics? If so, in what way?

6. How actively are you evaluating ESG factors in your M&A due diligence process?

7. Would you be willing to sacrifice economics on a deal to support ESG?

8. In your own business, which (if any) of these actions are you currently taking, or are planning to take this quarter, with respect to ESG?

Download the document for the full results.

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