Loan Agency

Expert team. Exceptional tech.

We deliver unbiased, independent, third-party loan agency services and an always-on digital dashboard for syndicated and bilateral loans.

Loan Agency Team

Experience frictionless loan administration.

Show us a loan administration challenge, no matter how complex, and we’ll provide the best solution in the shortest time. Our experts approach every issue with creativity, commitment, and a refusal to let organizational obstacles limit our thinking.

  • Administrative Agent
    Facility Agent
    Whatever comes up, we’ll handle it. Our experienced team is prepared to go above and beyond to ensure your needs are met.
  • Collateral Agent
    Security Agent
    Whether it’s buildings, bank notes, or even dolphins, we’ll manage the logistics completely, until the deal is done.
  • Successor Agent
    Replacement Agent
    We’ll pick up where your last agent left off, and execute the best course of action.
  • Sub-Agent
    Our experienced team gets up to speed almost immediately and can sub in on a variety of transaction types across syndicated and bilateral loans.
  • Escrow Agent
    With years of experience, we set up and manage your business escrow with a focus on efficiency.
Gain unbiased expertise
  • Syndicated Loans
  • Bilateral Loans
  • New Origination
  • Successor or Replacement Appointments
  • First & Second Lien Facilities
  • Mezzanine Facilities
  • Distressed and Restructuring Facilities
  • Debtor in Possession (DIP) Facilities

Loan Agency Dashboard

Answer pressing questions with a few clicks.

The SRS Acquiom Loan Agency Dashboard delivers the information you need, from high-level snapshots to granular details, whenever you need it.

  • See the full lifecycle of your loan or portfolio and stay on top of milestones with our built-in calendar functionality.
  • View an at-a-glance snapshot, or drill down to tranche data, financial data, relevant lender positions, and more.
  • Get notifications when payments are due, new documents are uploaded, or new reports are ready to view.
  • Generate portfolio- and deal-level reports on interest rates, accruals, balances, payment activity, and more.
Request a Demo

Extended Capabilities

Gain a partner who goes beyond.

Our collaborative partnerships with Seaport Global and Oak Branch Advisors mean you get a fully integrated set of services that exceeds what typical loan agents can provide.

  • Research and Quotes
  • Access to Liquidity    
  • Independent Market Intelligence
  • Transaction and Collateral Modeling
  • Cash Flow Calculations and Waterfall Modeling
  • Covenant Monitoring
Gain above and beyond

Get in touch

Request a demo of the Loan Agency Dashboard or talk with one of our experienced professionals.

Michael Amato

Regional Managing Director, Loan Agency Business Development

Relevant Deals

Term Loan and Revolving Facilities

Administrative Agent & Collateral Agent

Term Loan, Delayed Draw Term Loan and Revolving Facilities

Administrative Agent & Collateral Agent

Exit Facility

Administrative Agent & Collateral Agent

Exit Facility

Administrative Agent & Collateral Agent

Term Loan Credit Agreement

Administrative & Collateral Agent

Debtor-In-Possession Facility

Administrative & Collateral Agent

Credit Facility

Collateral Agent

Debtor-In-Possession Facility

Administrative & Collateral Agent

Exit Facility

Administrative & Collateral Agent

Credit Facility

Administrative & Collateral Agent

Gain the SRS Acquiom edge on your next deal.

Get Started