
Are Your Client’s Proceeds at Risk From Post-Closing Claims?

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3 out of 10 private M&A deals experience a post-closing indemnification claim.

Even after closing, sellers’ proceeds may not be safe from claims. Modern M&A advisors ensure their clients are set up for success through the last dollar by pairing clients with an expert shareholder representative. When backed by a deep and broad in-house team, a seasoned professional shareholder representative is an invaluable resource for resolving post-closing challenges after your advisory role in an M&A transaction is complete. 

Get the facts -  learn more about what puts a seller’s merger consideration at risk and what to look for when selecting a professional shareholder representative. Learn how to ensure your clients are protected. 

Download the article above.

Casey McTigue

Managing Director, Professional Services Group tel:415-363-6081

Casey is a managing director at SRS Acquiom and leads the Professional Services group. His team of lawyers, accountants, and other professionals is responsible for managing post-closing escrow claims, earnouts, working capital, tax, and other disputes on behalf of the company's clients, post-closing distribution of merger proceeds, and other activities related to serving as the shareholder representative. While at SRS Acquiom, Casey has represented shareholders’ interests on hundreds of deals, including defending claims up to $400 million and administering life sciences deals with as much as $1 billion in contingent consideration.

Before joining SRS Acquiom, Casey represented Fortune 50 clients as a litigation attorney nationally and internationally in a variety of fields. He acted as outside counsel on behalf of numerous parties, including SRS Acquiom and its clients, and took multiple cases to trial and appeal.

Casey frequently presents and writes on subjects of interest to those in the M&A field and is a core contributor to SRS Acquiom’s life sciences study. He is also an Eagle Scout and volunteers with San Francisco Bay Area youth sports. He holds a J.D. from the University of California, Berkeley (Boalt Hall) and a B.S. in economics from Arizona State University’s Barrett Honors College.

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